Our sharp, metal, single ended ribbon tools can be depended on to help you shape your clay into your creative masterpieces.
Reliable workhorses
These single ended ribbon tools are useful for trimming or turning your wheel thrown pieces, hollowing out a hand built piece, or scraping away clay to reveal your sculpted masterpiece.
Variety is best
At Pottery Supplies we offer a good selection of different single ended ribbon tools – all made with sharp ground steel ribbons of different shapes and sizes and a beautifully polished hardwood handle. This enables you to experiment with different techniques and achieve a wide range of effects in your pottery. Choose a favourite or invest in multiple different tools to take your pottery to the next level.
This particular single ended ribbon tool (PF3002) is an isosceles (two equal angles/sides) triangle with a top edge that is 40mm wide. We have another similar shaped ribbon tool (PF3001) that is triangular with a top edge that is 28mm wide.
These single ended ribbon tools are perfect for carving out and shaping the detail of your pottery projects. They are made with a sturdy, polished wooden handle which gives you ultimate control and manoeuvrability. Their sharp ground steel edge makes them versatile for switching between a fine white porcelain through to the groggiest of clay bodies.
Dimensions: Total length 140mm. Wooden handle about 100mm long. Iscosceles triangular loop with flat base that is 40mm wide.
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